Review laser level CIGMAN CM-G01
Laser level CIGMAN CM-G01 is a very compact and functional tool designed for construction, repair and
Review laser level CIGMAN CM-S02
Professional 4D laser level SIGMAN CM-S02 with built-in dual-axis inclinometer with on-screen display.
Review laser level CIGMAN CM-S01
High quality and very compact 3D laser level CIGMAN CM-S01 with Bluetooth connection to your phone.
Dovoh P4-360G 4D laser level
Review laser level Dovoh P4-360G
The Dovoh P4-360G compact 4D laser level projects four 360° planes: 2 vertical and 2 horizontal planes
Dovoh H3-360G
Review laser level Dovoh H3-360G
Professional 3D laser level Dovoh H3-360G with powerful 110 mW emitters and high accuracy. The manufacturer
CIGMAN CM-701 laser level review
High-quality, inexpensive and very compact CIGMAN CM-701 3D laser level with three 360-degree green planes.
Huepar P03CG laser level review
The Huepar P03CG laser level is a new model of 3D level from the company of the same name. In this modification
Review laser level FIRECORE F304T-XG
The green FIRECORE F304T-XG 4D laser level, this is the first level from this company with four 360-degree planes.
Review laser level FIRECORE F504T-XG
Professional, perfectly assembled 4D laser level FIRECORE F504T-XG with quality Osram laser modules.
laser level Kaiweets KT360A
Review laser level Kaiweets KT360A
High quality 3D laser level Kaiweets KT360A with two powerful quick release batteries included and three

This section presents tests and reviews of laser levels from different manufacturers. The list of reviews of laser levels is above. You can choose the manufacturer and model of the device you are interested in to find out almost everything. And to weigh all the pros and cons before buying.

New reviews will constantly appear on the site, so I recommend visiting the site periodically. If you want to keep up to date with the latest news, you can subscribe to my social networks and YouTube channel. They are at the bottom of each review.

Time does not stand still, everything is changing, and the tool market is also developing. So ordinary bubble construction levels have replaced self-leveling laser levels. Therefore every day more and more professional builders and home craftsmen want to have such a device in their tool Arsenal.

But often the question arises, which manufacturer and which model to choose.

The choice today is actually not easy, because there are a lot of manufacturers of laser levels. And of course, do not forget about the huge Chinese market for laser devices at very favorable prices.

Without help, it is almost impossible to understand all this set of devices, therefore I decided to help You and wrote detailed reviews.

If we talk about the latest trend, the development is going in the direction of increasing the number of planes. If not so long ago, the maximum functionality was in 3D laser levels. (Which have two vertical planes of 360 and one horizontal 360 degrees). Now there are 4D levels that project 2 verticals of 360 and 2 horizons of 360 degrees.